Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wow.... 2 in a row!

I know, I know... I go months without a post and now there's 2 in a row. Well, I guess I'm just bored and want to figure this thing out a little bit more. This post is going to be pretty boring if you already know me... I just want a chance to introduce my family and display some fun pictures... So, here goes!

First, my husband. Blake. The love of my life...

We've been married for a year and a half and I'm still in love with him... Not to say we don't fuss but I couldn't imagine life without him. We've known eachother for 10 years but we've only been 'together' for 2 and a half. We've got a pretty funny story so if you've never heard it and want to, then let me know....

Next on the list... my son, Sawyer. He was born June 21, 2006. He is such a delight. He is a very high strung and hyper child. He is very independent and is going to grow up to be headstrong and self reliant... I can already tell.

Finally, my daughter Sophie.... She's only a few months old and she has the sweetest disposition I've ever seen in a baby. She rarely cries but when she does... WOW! She definitely has a temper, although she rarely shows it. I'm so excited to watch her grow up and see all of the things she learns to do. Plus, she's super cute!!

Now, to finish this up... I am so blessed! Jesus must really love me to give me the family that he has. And that's all... talk to you soon!


wonder said...

Oh fun, now we can be bloggy friends too! I'll put a link to your blog on my page so I can stalk you on blogger too!!!

Kendall & Candace said...

yay! Now I have a blogger friend!:) I can hardly wait to do some pictures this week!:) (and of course to spend some time with my big sis!)