Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's bedtime

I went to see Wicked on Tuesday at the Fox in Atlanta. It was pretty much awesome. I would probably give any number of my limbs to be able to sing like the girl playing Elphaba... who, by the way was the standby. If she wasn't cast in the role then I think the only reason the "real" Elphaba wasn't there was because she was SO good she would have made everyone pass out and not see the whole show. So, needless to say, it's totally worth the money and we had a blast.

The kids have been crazy sick and it seems like one thing right after another. Sophie got hand, foot and mouth disease somehow and gave it to Sawyer who in turn gave it to just about every other kid we see on a regular basis (which is actually more than you would think.) And now, Sophie has another fever! I don't know... we're treating the fever now and if it's still really high on Monday we'll head to the doc.

Our chemistry teacher gave us the makeup test for the first exam and I made a 90%. I'm so excited that I'm not failing anymore. It's very nice. I can't believe it's midterm time already! In just a few months I'll actually be in nursing school. Crazy.

We went to the Homecoming Parade. It was a little disappointing. I haven't been to a Jacksonville parade since I was a kid but I thought they were bigger than that. Sawyer doesn't really do "loud" very well but he liked the candy. And Sophie had a fever so she wasn't happy anyway. But I guess it was okay.

This was after naptime after the parade. Sawyer was still sleeping but Sophie felt a little better.

Our flash goofed up a bit but I thought it was a cute picture. Notice our matching red... I wanted to show our JSU spirit... lol.

I've decided that I'm going to audition for Sweeney Todd. I'm a little nervous about it. It's been a long time since I've done anything other than worship music or opera. I think watching Wicked helped me to remember how much I love Musical theatre. So, I'm really excited too! Wish me luck...

I guess that's all that's new... Talk to ya soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm running.

Hello! Here's an update about a little-known fact about me. I like to run. Well, I wouldn't so much say that I like it... but I do it for enjoyment. And not that I enjoy it while I do it but I enjoy the feeling after. Some friends and I started running last June and so far we were doing anywhere from 1-3 miles at a time. We probably ran 3 times a week on average and I was feeling great! Well, school started and Sawyer had surgery and lots of other things happened that kept me from running a lot so I cut back to like 1 time a week... I started feeling terrible! So I decided that there would be no more lolly-gagging! I was serious about it... and yesterday I ran 5 miles! I know that God is helping me with this because otherwise I would have stopped after 2 steps... I'm not a very determined person on my own. So, I just wanted to let you all know about something I'm pretty proud of this week! See ya later!