Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm running.

Hello! Here's an update about a little-known fact about me. I like to run. Well, I wouldn't so much say that I like it... but I do it for enjoyment. And not that I enjoy it while I do it but I enjoy the feeling after. Some friends and I started running last June and so far we were doing anywhere from 1-3 miles at a time. We probably ran 3 times a week on average and I was feeling great! Well, school started and Sawyer had surgery and lots of other things happened that kept me from running a lot so I cut back to like 1 time a week... I started feeling terrible! So I decided that there would be no more lolly-gagging! I was serious about it... and yesterday I ran 5 miles! I know that God is helping me with this because otherwise I would have stopped after 2 steps... I'm not a very determined person on my own. So, I just wanted to let you all know about something I'm pretty proud of this week! See ya later!

1 comment:

Kendall & Candace said...

maybe one day i will enjoy running too!:)